Break The Chain

all for real men's and them health

Monday, February 4, 2008

whether needed - viagra

It means in the real numbers, that erection disfunctions of different weight take a place at the 18 million American men. What to talk, a number is enormous! Thus findings show clear, that prevalence and expressed of erektil'nykh disfunctions strictly correlating with age, at the same time are no a sign exceptionally to old age.

In respect of domestic statistics, it, as such, on this question does not simply exist. Otherwise as by vestige of that time, when the state had us all on an account sexless creatures, it not to explain. Therefore here we will take the liberty to bring our personal supervisions over through this question, which was folded during that time during which our collective is engaged in the problem of erection disfunction. Certainly, our information does not replace official statistics nowise, but however.

-Is clinical efficiency of Viagra which?

From data of numerous clinical researches and tests of preparation on volunteers with the different types of erektion disfunction, including from our own data, sildenafila tsitrat possesses enough high efficiency. However here necessary it is to underline some nuances.

Efficiency of Viagra in a very strong degree depends on the type of erektion disfunction, from concomitant diseases. For example, if at vascular erektion disfunction preparation is enough effective,, say, at presence of the so-called pathological venous drainage the results of his application far worse.

Unfortunately, does not exist, and there can not be preparation, able to bring through all illnesses or, as in our case, all of types of erektion disfunction. A panacea is not Viagra which is able to help in very plenty of cases, but, unfortunately, not for all of patients.


Viagra is effective

for patients with atherosclerosis, damage of nerves, going to the vessels of cock, at saccharine diabetes. Not too good results, as we talked already, applications of preparation at patients with the presence of pathological venous drainage. In each of the transferred cases in treatment of your ailment you will be helped by a doctor. Only a doctor can appoint the correct chart of treatment and pick up the best mean. So we enough unoriginally send you to the people in white dressing-gowns.


Come Viagra must be taken with more than usual caution?

Such people are few, but they do exist.

First of all, these are people with serious illnesses cardiovascular system (heart failure, stenocardia, disturbed cerebral blood circulation). These people need constant medical supervision, because sex is a serious physical activity for a man. Think of it this way, and if you have a place such symptoms as pain in the heart when fizichekoy load and / or in peace, a breach of memory and mental efficiency, progressing in the past few months, or may already be, God forbid, endured a heart attack or stroke , it necessarily you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of reception Viagra.

In addition to people with cardiovascular diseases, the system also increased care needs of patients who have previously occurred priapism (pathological state, which is characterized by the emergence of erection, which is not connected with erotic stimulation, and that could continue for long hours, causing severe pain in the area penis). While so far not recorded a single report of the outbreak priapizma against the backdrop of the admission Viagra, nevertheless patients who have a predisposition to its emergence also requires medical supervision.

Above all listed above, but caution, however, a different kind, while taking Viagra is necessary for people who are going to manage after taking all sorts of mechanisms, because sometimes after taking Viagra at the person might be taking place rapidly changing colour, with a predominance of blue flowers. In this regard, the leadership of one of the American airline banned its pilots to take Viagra one hour before flight. And according to the provincial one American newspaper, a retiree from Wyoming filed in the court for the company "Pfizer". The crux of the matter as follows: he took pill Viagra, sat in the car and hurried visits to his girlfriend. Along the way he emerged change colour - it suddenly seemed that in his hands and fingers began to move as if the electrical level. He fell observing this phenomenon, which is not observed standing on the sidelines of a police car and entered it from all over the max.

So, men who will be vigilant on the roads!


Can death come after the reception of Viagra?

Presently in the world of official 69 cases of fatal outcome are registered after the reception of Viagra (information on the end of November, 1998). However necessary it is to say at once, that in the end, at least while, not a single trial was won against a company «Pfayzer» on a charge of death of patients from Viagra. Reason of death in all of cases were diseases of the serdechno-sosudistoy system (heart attacks or strokes), which developed at dyings during sexual intercourse.

Indeed, sexual intercourse it the serious physical loading. Some researchers consider that one sexual intercourse can be equated with hurrying on distance five kilometres. It is an indeed serious test. If a senior which during a few years was deprived possibility to be engaged in love suddenly got sexual speed as for a teenager, consequences can be deplorable, because a heart can simply not survive such physical activity. But not Viagra to that by guilt. To our opinion it is a question of culture anymore, as obviously, that a man must control the emotions, not leading to itself to death from excessive zeal at engaged in love.

Reports about fatal outcomes only confirm the necessity of medical control after the reception of Viagra, especially for the patients of superannuated or with the diseases of the serdechno-sosudistoy system. Before to begin the reception of Viagra, a man necessarily must be consulted for a doctor, and in the case of necessity - to pass an inspection for a cardiologist. Only in this case backlogs of heart and doctor will be for certain set skilled able to give advice about that, as far as there can intensive be sexual life for one or another man.

Besides the cases of mortal end during engaged in love, in a press there are reports and about other dangers of excessive sexual activity. For example, in 1997 in Hong Kong a trial took a place above one prostitute which was laid to murder of the permanent client. It was set as a result of investigation, that to killed it was 82 and reason of murder was a quite not robbery, as decided on beginning. According to guilty it put to death the client from the unbridled sexual activity of victim and absence of possibility for implementation of all of love pleasures which was required by killed from a woman. As you guessed already, by reason of such activity at 82th summer Don of Zhuana there was Viagra. But, certainly, not medicine is guilty in such end of business.


Does a woman win in what, if its partner accepts Viagra?

A viagra can bring a perceptible benefit women, even if this preparation is accepted not they, but their sexual partners. Many pair confessed that after the reception of Viagra their sexual life was considerably improved, for example, because man after a reception Viagra longer what usually, could save erection. Other marked that Viagra had been instrumental in the extension of sexual intercourse, that naturally, helped a woman to attain an orgasm.

That yet is very important is disappearance for many men on a background the reception of Viagra of the so-called «fear of failure» - psychological phenomenon, which often develops for men, comings to grief during a sexual contact. This phenomenon is characterized development of proof fear of sexual contact in connection with fear of failure, and he can develop and for men which are in principle the fitted as a fiddle people, so failures can take a place for any man on a background psikho-emotsional'nykh loadings, fatigue and etc However much it can result exactly in development of «fear of failure», that does in future sexual life for the men of very problematic.

As a result of disappearance of «fear of failure» both partners got more pleasure from sex. Many women marked also, that after the reception of Viagra their partners became more perceptible lovers - preparation promoted the confidence of man, that, naturally, and did him more affectionate with a woman.


How does Viagra operate on a psyche?

Enough difficultly exhaustively to answer this question within the framework of our book. But we will make an effort expound the basic considering on that score.

To all of doctors, which work with patients, sufferings erektil'noy disfunction, certainly, becomes early or late clear that, perhaps, none of existent diseases abandons such deep track in a psyche as it takes a place in case with impotence.

In addition, there is a whole army of patients, sufferings the so-called psikhogennoy erektion disfunction. Speaking a human language, no physical reasons for violation of erection for these people are not present, and reason of their illness is covered in one or another psychological problems.

We will add also, that even in those cases of disease, when reason of ailment illness of vessels or damage of nerves is, say, because of trauma or saccharine diabetes, to all of other factors certainly added and psychological.

Indeed, imagine that a man at some instant is deprived possibility to be engaged in love with a woman. It is difficult to imagine a trauma prepotent, than awareness of own sexual weakness. It is necessary to be Zigmundom by Freud, to understand as far as important and this sphere of human mutual relations is emotionally painted and as far as boleznenny any failures on this way.

No for nothing all of patients, completing a course or even surgical operation treatment concerning erektil'noy disfunction necessarily must pass and, so-called, psychological rehabilitation. Unassisted psychiatrist at times it is not succeeded to obtain good results even after the perfectly executed operation on the vessels of cock. It is difficult to disagree with opinion seksopatologov that the main organ of love for a man is located within the limits of cranium.

From other side, a psychological rehabilitation is impossible, if erection does not arise up in connection with some objective or subjective reasons. Naturally, by the best medicine from a sad mood, related there is good erection to impotence. In this connection appearance of effective pills, capable it, erection, to cause infuses with optimism not only to us, to the doctors but also to our patients.

We assure you, nothing so cheers up and does not give a confidence a man, to losing every hope on happiness, as a type of own member in a state of the most frank and shameless erection!

In conclusion, it would be desirable to add that sense of confidence is in own forces, perhaps, by the most important factor in treatment and prophylaxis of erektion disfunction.

-Is it possible to accept Viagra simply so (I.e. without recommendation of specialist)?

Trust - it is better no to do it. Simply so - without consultation of specialist - it is impossible to accept not a single medicine which is included in the group of «compounding preparations».

A Viagra belongs to the number medications, expandable strictly on the recipes of doctor, because it is serious preparation, which called not to «increase masculine force», but normalize those mechanisms which result in violation of erections.

Besides, as already talked higher, at his reception development of row of side effects is possible. Yes, swingeing majority of these effects as a rule is not presented a serious health hazard man and carry temporal character, but nevertheless only a doctor will be able to set expedience of reception of Viagra and the same to estimate the threat of side effects.

Besides these circumstances it is necessary also to take into account following. Firm «Pfayzer» as a developer of preparation carries for him responsibility from point of development for a man which accepts this medicine, undesirable effects. However much responsibility of firm can take a place only in case that a patient accepted preparation at the direction of doctor, I.e. the documented fact (ambulatory medical card, hospital and etc chart) of appeal of patient takes a place after medical consultation. Therefore even if close friends advise you to make an attempt Viagra without preliminary medical consultation - renounce!


That to do, if did Viagra help you however?

Yes, such can happen also. As we talked already, unfortunately, doctors in an order do not have a panacea are medications from all of illnesses.

However never needed it is to despair. A Viagra is only one of great number of preparations, effective in regard to erektil'noy disfunction. Why not to appeal you to seksopatologu? It seems to us, it is the most bad idea in your case.

Possibly, the decision of your problem lies on a surface, and you even unaware of it. From other side, it can happen that for treatment of erektil'noy disfunction coming you to get through operative treatment.

As you see there are very much variants of approach to treatment of erektion disfunction. Viagra - undoubtedly, magnificent preparation, however it not unique from the possible variants of treatment. you will appeal to the specialist - and a chance will appear for you.

-Are common data which about safety of Viagra and side effects at its application?

As well as at the reception of any other preparation, in the case of treatment Viagra side effects can appear. As a result of vast clinical researches more than at 3700 patients were shown good by them bearableness of preparation Viagra. Once again we turn Your attention on that simultaneous introduction of Viagra, nitrates and donors of nitrates of any medicinal form contra-indicated.

More frequent than all the reported by-effects, related to treatment preparation Viagra in these researches, were head pain (15,8%) and sudden pokrasnenie of person and neck (10,5%), dyspepsia (5,5%) and pokrasnenie cavities of nose (4,2%), which were, as a rule, in grain transient, poorly and moderately expressed and did not dictate the necessity of stopping of treatment. Frequency of stopping of treatment from by-effects, conditioned all of reasons, was comparable for patients, gettings preparation Viagra (2,5%) or platsebo (2,3%). About the cases of priapizma (to sickly, long unpassing erection) in none of clinical researches of preparation Viagra not reported.

If the first pill of Viagra did not bring success, the third of men renounces treatment

Near third of men, sufferings from erektion disfunction, not able to have sex after taking of the first pill of preparations over impotence, as a result give up for lost on the sexual life.

Researches of European society of sexual medicine showed importance of primary reception of preparations, because, no turning due attention on it, patients can be deprived the best results which can be attained changing of one preparation on other or increase of dose.

Scientists polled for a 631 man, suffering from impotence, and whose middle ages equaled 55 years. To beginning of participating in researches, each of them accepted some preparation.

It turned out that since the reception of pill did bring the expected result, the 68% polled lost a confidence in itself, 32% fallen in depression, and 24% assured in that never cured.

Third of patients after a fiasco no longer wished to speak to the doctors, to make an attempt alternative preparation, that, according to a doctor David Edvardsa from Oksfordshira, in next times exposed circumstance that many men put aside or fully ignore treatment of the illness.

«These researches were confirmed by that men still reluctantly seek a help for treatment the erektion disfunction», - researchers wrote in the lecture.
That is it necessary to expect Viagra at the protracted reception?

Many readers, we are sure, this theme agitates. Whether can somehow harm the protracted reception of preparation. Whether it will not lead to certain exhaustion of mechanisms, accountable for erection. This question is often set by healthy men, persons interested to make an attempt Viagra for bringing of some variety in sexual life.

Honestly speaking, in the world there yet is no information and looking after people, which long time would be accepted Viagra. The point is that preparation appeared at the market of medications quite recently. It would be wrong to talk that at protracted, during a few years, reception of preparation can not come some side effects. Even if it seems to someone obvious. Especially as humanity is known by a lot of examples that, how absolutely harmless preparation farther more appeared the transmitter of unpleasant side effects which were found out only after the decades of his application. Nevertheless, we fully optimistically look in the future.

A viagra got through the enormous amount of clinical tests, experiments of in vitro ("in a test tube) and for all the time, while there are blue pills, no information was exposed for that the protracted use of sil'denafila can result in some serious consequences. Not to mention about some mythical exhaustion of nerve-centres,

viagra responsible for normal erection


It is possible to draw a conclusion from all of aforesaid, that existing to date knowledge about preparation Viagra allows to appoint patients this preparation, both for episodic and for protracted treatment of erektil'noy disfunction. Certainly, taking into account all of measures cautions which it was already said about.

In any case, time is the best judge and not in our modest possibilities to forecast a situation with sil'denafilom in the distant future.


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